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Habitat Tools

To identify the proper tools you need to manage fisher habitat, we first need to find out where you are working. If you already know which Natural Resource Region you are working in, please reference the toolkit directly from the table below. Each link below will download a .Zip file containing tools specific to the selected Region. If your Natural Resource Region requires information from more than one Fisher Habitat Zone, your toolkit will contain all of the necessary information.

View Zones Map

Each toolkit contains:

_README document describing the details of the materials included in each toolkit
Fisher Habitat Retention Spatial Data and Tool
User’s Guide to the Spatial Data and Tool
Georeferenced PDF map of the Fisher Habitat Zones in each region
Pictorial Guide of Important Fisher Habitat Structures in BC
Field Guide to Fisher Habitat Structures by Fisher Habitat Zone
Fisher Habitat Management tables by Fisher Habitat Zone
Spatial Data Terminology Crosswalk (for Cariboo Region Users)

NOTE: for Users operating in the Cariboo Natural Resource Region, the “Spatial Data Terminology Crosswalk” provides details on terminology changes between the 2018 and 2021 Retention Spatial Data releases pertinent to Cariboo Forest Stewardship Plans (For FSPs requiring use of 2018 Retention Spatial Data, it is available via the “Deprecated Tools” menu in the site navigation.)

Natural Resource Region Toolkit ZIP File

Resource Professionals.

Find information and tools needed to help you manage for fisher habitats in BC. Please contact us if you need further assistance.