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Species and Habitat Information
Species Information.
Raley, C.M.; Lofroth, E.C.; Truex, R.L.; Yaeger, J.S.; Higley, J.M. Habitat ecology of fishers in western north America. In Biology and Conservation of Martens, Sables, and Fishers: A New Synthesis ; Aubry, K.B., Zielinski, W.J., Raphael, M.G., Proulx, G., Buskirk, S.W., Eds.; Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY, USA, 2012; pp. 231–254. (PDF , 1MB)
Lofroth, E. C., C. M. Raley, J. M. Higley, R. L. Truex, J. S. Yaeger, J. C. Lewis, P. J. Happe, L. L. Finley, R. H. Naney, L. J. Hale, A. L. Krause, S. A. Livingston, A. M. Myers, and R. N. Brown. 2010. Conservation of Fishers (Martes pennanti) in South-Central British Columbia, Western Washington, Western Oregon, and California–Volume I: Conservation Assessment . USDI Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado, USA. (PDF , 272MB)
Lofroth, E. C., J. M. Higley, R. H. Naney, C. M. Raley, J. S. Yaeger, S. A. Livingston, and R. L. Truex. 2011. Conservation of Fishers (Martes pennanti) in South-Central British Columbia, Western Washington, Western Oregon, and California–Volume II: Key Findings From Fisher Habitat Studies in British Columbia, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and California. USDI Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado, USA. (PDF , 3.3MB)
Naney, R. H., L. L Finley, E. C. Lofroth, P. J. Happe, A. L. Krause, C. M. Raley, R. L. Truex, L. J. Hale, J. M. Higley, A. D. Kosic, J. C. Lewis, S. A. Livingston, D. C. Macfarlane, A. M. Myers, and J. S. Yaeger. 2012. Conservation of Fishers (Martes pennanti) in South-Central British Columbia, Western Washington, Western Oregon, and California–Volume III: Threat Assessment . USDI Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado, USA. (PDF , 3.4MB)
Weir, R.D. 2003. Status of the fisher in British Columbia . Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Conservation Data Centre, and Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Biodiversity Branch, Wildlife Bulletin Number B-105. Victoria, British Columbia. (PDF , 2.4MB)
Fisher Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS) account. (PDF , 0.2MB)
BC Conservation Data Centre / BC Species and Ecosystem Explorer webpage for fisher.
Habitat Management.
BC Fisher Habitat Working Group. 2024. Incorporating Fisher Habitat Conditions and Targets into Forest Planning: Recommendations for Harvesting in the Interior Cedar Hemlock Zone .
BC Fisher Habitat Working Group. 2023. Incorporating Fisher Habitat Conditions and Targets into Forest Planning: Recommendations for Harvesting Operations during Wildfire Salvage .
BC Fisher Habitat Working Group. 2019. Incorporating Fisher Habitat Conditions and Targets into Forest Planning: Recommendations for Partial Cutting Silvicultural Systems. (PDF , 0.2 MB)
BC Fisher Habitat Working Group. 2019. Guidance on Fisher Open Area Analysis. (PDF , 0.2MB)
Nenqay Deni Fish and Wildlife Accord. 2018. Proposal for Joint Recommendation on Fisher Habitat Management. Unpublished report prepared for Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (PDF , 1.6 MB)
Davis, L. 2016. Fisher (Pekania pennanti) artificial reproductive den box study; with 2018 addendum. Unpublished report prepared for Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation. (PDF , 3.0MB; 2020 Updated Fisher Den Box Drawings – PDF , 0.5MB)
2010 Chief Forester’s Guidance on Coarse Woody Debris Management . (PDF , 0.1MB)
Weir, R. D., and P. Lara Almuedo. 2010. British Columbia’s Interior: Fisher Wildlife Habitat Decision Aid . BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(3):35–41. (PDF , 0.6MB)
2005 Chief Forester Guidance on Landscape- and Stand-level Structural Retention in Large-Scale Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage Operations . (PDF , 0.4MB)
Research Projects and Articles.
Weir, R. D., M. Phinney, and E. C. Lofroth. 2012. Big, sick, and rotting: Why tree size, damage, and decay are important to fisher reproductive habitat . Forest Ecology and Management 265: 230-240. (PDF , 0.7 MB)
Proulx, G. 2011. Verification of a forest rating system to predict fisher (Martes pennanti) winter distribution in Sub-Boreal forests of British Columbia, Canada. Can. Field Nat. 125(1): 7–11. (PDF , 0.1 MB)
Weir, R. D., E. C. Lofroth, and M. Phinney. 2011. Density of fishers in boreal mixed-wood forests of northeastern British Columbia . Northwestern Naturalist 92:65-69. (PDF , 2.0 MB)
Weir, R. D., and F. B. Corbould. 2010. Factors affecting landscape occupancy by fishers in north-central British Columbia . Journal of Wildlife Management 74:405-410. (PDF , 0.3 MB)
Davis, L. R., 2009. Denning ecology and habitat use by Fisher (Martes pennanti) in pine dominated ecosystems of the Chilcotin Plateau . Master Thesis. Simon Fraser University. 109 pp. (PDF , 0.5 MB)
Weir, R. D., A. S. Harestad, and F. B. Corbould. 2009. Home ranges and spatial organization of fishers in central British Columbia . Canadian Field-Naturalist 123(1):126-132. (PDF, 0.6MB)
Weir, R. D., and F. B. Corbould. 2007. Factors affecting diurnal activity of fishers in north-central British Columbia . Journal of Mammalogy 88:1508-1514. (PDF , 0.6 MB)
Proulx, G. 2006. Using forest inventory data to predict winter habitat by fisher (Martes pennanti) in British Columbia, Canada. Acta Theriologica 51(3): 275-282. (PDF , 0.2 MB)
Weir, R. D., and F. B. Corbould. 2006. Density of fishers in the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia . Northwestern Naturalist 87:118-127. (PDF , 1.6 MB)
Weir, R. D., A. S. Harestad, and R. C. Wright. 2005. Winter diet of fishers in British Columbia . Northwestern Naturalist 86:12-19. (PDF , 0.1 MB)
Weir, R. D., F. B. Corbould, and A. S. Harestad. 2004. Effect of ambient temperature on the selection of rest structures by fishers . Pages 196-210 in J. Harrison, A. K. Fuller, and G. Proulx, editors. Martens and Fisher (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments: An International Perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts, USA. (PDF , 0.5 MB)
Weir, R. D., and A. S. Harestad. 2003. Scale-dependent habitat selectivity by fishers in south-central British Columbia . Journal of Wildlife Management 67:73-82. (PDF , 2.3MB)
Weir, R. D., and A. S. Harestad. 1997. Landscape-level selectivity by fishers in south-central British Columbia. Pages 252-264 in Proulx, H. N. Bryant, and P. M. Woodward, editors. Martes: Taxonomy, ecology, techniques, and management. Provincial Museum of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (PDF , 0.9MB)
Weir, R. D. 1995. Diet, spatial organization, and habitat relationships of fishers in south-central British Columbia . Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. (PDF , 1.2 MB)